Business Office


John Gomez

Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Alyssa Flowers

Confidential Secretary

Kaitlyn O'Shea

Assistant to the Business Administrator

Welcome to the Business Office!

You may not realize it, but it takes a lot of work to keep a school district running. One of the areas that is integral to the effective operation of our schools is the Business Office. This office handles many areas including those that are not necessarily directly related to finance.

Business Support Services include, but are not limited to:

Budget and Finance
Risk Management and Insurance
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable

Food Services
Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes
School Elections
Custodian of Public Records

Business Office Updates​

Bid Posting - New Middle School

Transportation Contact Information

Transportation Issue Contact Information

Should you as a parent/guardian have transportation issues and/or concerns please use the following procedures:

Contact the Business Office by email or by calling 201-641-6192 ext. 1616 to inform the district of any transportation concerns.

Workplace Injury Procedures

Updated: 8/23/2016

In the event that you have a job related injury, please follow these procedures:

Go to an available nurse in either school building.

If a school nurse is unavailable, or you are hurt after school hours, call: First MCO "Injury Hotline"@ 1-800-831-9531. Please note: First MCO "Injury Hotline" should be called only if a school nurse is not available, or it is after school hours. First MCO will facilitate your case through "Valley Health System - Treatment and Emergency Centers".

NOTE: If the injury is after school hours, the injury must be reported to a school nurse within 24 hours.

Link to Valley Health System - Treatment and Emergency Centers:

Updated Purchasing Manual

The purpose of a Purchasing Manual is to assist all school district employees with the proper purchasing practices to be in full compliance with: 

  • New Jersey Public School Contracts Law--N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.;

  • New Jersey Administrative Code--N.J.A.C. 5:34-1 et seq.;

  • Board of Education Purchasing Policies;

  • Federal Procurement Code--2 CFR 200.317 et seq., when applicable;

  • NJQSAC Fiscal DPR Indicator #15;

  • Local Finance Notices – NJ Division of Local Government Services; and

  • Other laws and administrative code when applicable.

 The Purchasing Manual is designed to achieve three (3) goals:

1.  Compliance with the law, code and board policy on purchasing;
2.  Promote efficiency in the purchasing practices; and
3.  Achieve savings of money through proper purchasing practices.

The full 2020-2021 Purchasing Manual can be found here...